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My Magical Menopause Transformation

Updated: Apr 22

Are you feeling stuck in a cycle of hormonal changes, battling against your own body's natural changes? If so, you're not alone. We understand the struggle with the medical industry and attempting to do things your own way, thus, hindering your progress and preventing you from living in your fullest power!

But what if I told you that there's a way to break free from this self-imposed barrier? What if you could finally overcome perimenopause or menopause and achieve your wellness goals with clarity and faith?

This is why we created the community "My Magical Menopause Transformation".

This isn't just another generic wellness community. Our community is designed to elevate you out the source causes of a painful menopause so you can understand the femme xx power you hold within yourself, and reclaim it with real strategies to heal into a cure.

And, YES IT WORKS!! This is why, in the community you will:

1. Identify the emotional and spiritual triggers of your “symptoms” like:

  • Hot flashes

  • Cold flashes

  • Fatigue

  • Weight gain

  • Thinning hair

  • Aging skin

2. Develop a personalized action plan to transform your lifestyle with ease through:

  • Source energy nutrition

  • Pure herbal care

  • Modified Quantum Therapy

  • Psychic development 

  • Source energy healing

3. Cultivate a new enlightened mindset and boost your faith in the unknown by:

  • Guided meditation and breathwork

  • Psychic visualization

  • Sacred geometry

  • Kemetic and Qi Gong movements

4. Learn effective space management and emotional management techniques to maximize cellular frequencies through a source energy healing system we’ve created called 5 Energies of S’kin.

5. Gain lifetime support from like-minded women who are on the same spiritual journey of transformation through menopause into a menopower!

Now, imagine rising up each morning feeling happy, excited, and inspired with a knowledge of who you are from your soul, and move in your power with the tools and support you need to regenerate your cells and easily overcome any challenge that comes your way. Now, THAT’S POWER!!! THAT’S YOUR MAGIC!

And in our "My Magical Menopause Transformation" community, this vision you see can be your reality.

Don't let medical menopause keep holding you back from becoming the spiritual bombshell Goddess you know you are within your soul AND living the life you are worthy of living. Take the first step NOW towards a divine positive change TODAY.

Space is never limited for you! So secure your spot now and prepare for an amazing experience of self-empowerment, expansion, and growth. SAY Good-Bye to menopause and say Greetings and Blessings to MENOPOWER!!!

Remember, the only thing standing between you and your power is the limiting belief that you can't control what’s happening to you! Together, let’s break down these barriers and set your body’s full potential on fire! Now, that’s a hot flash for you!

Here's to a future free from menopause cellular degradation and filled with menopower endless and expansive possibilities of cellular rejuvenation!

Are you tired right now? Then, don’t wait until the next hot flash! Book a call now!

Gratitude for reading.

Jah Crystal

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