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Gratitude for Being Here!

This is BrewJah = roots + herbs! BrewJah is a unique apothecary where we create to support the unique and delicate hormone balance of women and men; and where we teach to expand your wisdom within the esoteric healing arts of life.

Check Out Our Featured Brews!

Peppermint Leaves in a bowl at BrewJah

Did You Know?

Often times men don't know they are eating food and herbs and using skincare that are depriving their bodies of vital hormone balance that will cause impotence and lack of desire by the age of 40. The photo for example is peppermint, and when used regularly it promotes estrogenic balance in women. So, when should men use this herb?

As well as many women eat herbs and foods and use skincare that can inhibit hormone balance causing infertility, PCOS, and multitude of other issues extending into perimenopause and menopause.

GOOD NEWS!!! There are foods and herbs that vibrate energies to support women more than men and vice-versa. We teach you to recognize your own unique source energy so you can align yourself to herbs, foods, and skincare that actually work to balance your life, wellness, and beauty.

Transform Your Body

We create herbal tisane brews, herbal skincare products, and classes for women and men who experience hormonal changes, fatigue, premature aging, weight gain, and emotional swings to help you transform your body so you can feel energized, lose weight, look younger, balance emotions and hormones, and be happy without caffeine, drugs, HRT's or surgeries.

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